About Us
Redefining Airline Sustainability Analysis
At Envest Global, we understand that while predictive models estimating fuel use and CO2 emissions for specific flight sectors play a crucial role, they often lead to variability in emission estimates due to differing methodologies. Our approach sets us apart by focusing on actual performance data and consistent calculation methodologies to provide a comprehensive assessment of airline sustainability.
What Makes Envest Global Unique?
Real-World Performance Data
Whole-of-Airline Assessment: Unlike predictive models that estimate emissions for individual city pairs, we use actual performance data to evaluate the sustainability of entire airlines. This approach delivers a holistic view of an airline’s environmental impact.
Consistent Calculation Methodologies
Direct Comparability: Our consistent methodologies ensure that emission metrics are directly comparable across all airlines. This allows for reliable benchmarking and clear insights into each airline’s sustainability performance.
Comprehensive Emissions Analysis
Passenger and Freight Data: We include detailed analyses of both passenger and freight emissions. Using a consistent ICAO methodology, we proportion total emissions accurately